Dingsheng Enterprise Management &Consultation Co.,Ltd

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· Headhunting Services
· Commissioned Recruitment
· Personnel Assessment
· Background Checks
Background Checks

    Entrusted by the client with the candidates'personnel investigation, that the visit, investigations and comprehensive investigation.
Investigations refers to privately personnel investigation of the candidates, containing  their past credit histories, or the past performance in ex-enterprises where the candidates'worked for and current investigation. It needs good skills and methods to ensure their job's security. Comprehensive investigation is that the combination of visits and investigations to a survey conducted in two ways. There is generally a letter survey, telephone interviews, telephone spying, interviews, etc. investigation. We report to clients orally or in writing. Receiving reasonable pay, we can provide a written report without regard to legal issues, personal privacy.
Cost of ¥5000-10000. travel costs and other special charges are extras.
Ensure that recruits talent and the information provided are true; Understanding recruits whether it concealed some facts; Checking the candidates'character and personality to avoid mistakes in using people.
Applicable enterprise:
No time for the personnel investigation or not the personnel investigative capacity of enterprises.
Enterprises do not have time for the personnel investigation or not have the capacity to carry out the personnel investigation.

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